MSW with IGG panels

MSW fixed panel - IGG * Fixed glazing in connection with / extension of movable glass partitioning walls

MSW with IGG Internal applications and secured outer areas. Position at the stacking area of the glass partition wall. Circumferential integrated profile to accommodate the functional units. High-quality architectural design is combinable with all other element types.
  • Horizontal and vertical profiles for glass framing
  • High-quality architectural design standard
  • ESG 6 mm or 8 mm applicable glued on both sides with profile
  • Element weight up to 125 kg
  • Can be combined with all other element types
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Application Areas

  • Fixed glazing of display windows
  • Internal and protected external area
  • Can be used up to 3500 mm clear height
  • Can be used up to 1500 mm element width


GEZE Central +48-224-404-440 GEZE Service +48-224-404-440-450 Hotline for architects +48-691-466-433